Downloading and Exploring Loot in Cycle Frontier

Let’s Check out the Loot!

October 5, 2022

First, we’ll pull our normal libraries for working on projects like this.

import pandas as pd             # for the data.
import numpy as np              # for a NaN type
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # For plotting, and some customization of plots.
import seaborn as sns           # For pretty plots.

# Fix the size of the graphs
sns.set(rc={"figure.figsize":(11, 8)})

Our data source is still going to be the Official Wiki and we’ll be pulling from the Loot Page - which has already started being updated for Season Two. From my previous post, the class zebra is still the best attribute to target to pull the data into a usable Data Frame.

# game taken down:
# url = ""
url = ''
site = pd.read_html(url, attrs={"class":"zebra"})[0]
Image Name Rarity Weight K-Marks K-Marks / Weight Personal Quarters Campaigns Jobs Printing
0 NaN Flawed Veltecite Common 3.0 150 K-Marks 2 Reputation 50 K-Marks / Weight 0.67 Reputation / Weight Yes x11 Yes x10 Yes NaN
1 150.00 K-Marks NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 2.00 Reputation NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 50.00 K-Marks / Weight NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 0.67 Reputation / Weight NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
5 NaN Cloudy Veltecite Uncommon 3.0 570 K-Marks 6 Reputation 190 K-Marks / Weight 2 Reputation / Weight Yes x8 Yes x14 Yes Yes
6 570.00 K-Marks NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
7 6.00 Reputation NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
8 190.00 K-Marks / Weight NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
9 2.00 Reputation / Weight NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
10 NaN Clear Veltecite Rare 3.0 854 K-Marks 9 Reputation 285 K-Marks / Weight 3 Reputation / Weight Yes x11 Yes x25 Yes Yes
11 854.00 K-Marks NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
12 9.00 Reputation NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
13 285.00 K-Marks / Weight NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
14 3.00 Reputation / Weight NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

Again, from previous experience, it is best to create a copy of columns that we actually need.

lootSubset = site[['Image', 'Name', 'Rarity', 'Personal Quarters', 'Campaigns', 'Jobs', 'Printing']].copy()
Image Name Rarity Personal Quarters Campaigns Jobs Printing
0 NaN Flawed Veltecite Common Yes x11 Yes x10 Yes NaN
1 150.00 K-Marks NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 2.00 Reputation NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 50.00 K-Marks / Weight NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 0.67 Reputation / Weight NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

Looking at our data, we already have a problem: the Printing column has columns NaN values insted of no. The blank values got converted to NaN when it was imported. While I’m sure there is a way to correct this on import, this isn’t how I’m going to do it. What I’m going to do is find the indexes which contain Yes and then update the other columns. You might be thinking - correctly - that we could simply find the indexes of the other values and then update those. Unfortunately, this is harder and I’ll show you what I mean.

If we check the values, we’ll see there is this nan value which doens’t look like the normal np.NaN value.

lootSubset.Printing.unique(), lootSubset.Printing[0]
(array([nan, 'Yes'], dtype=object), nan)

And, if we try to do a logical comparison with the literal value from the data it fails.

lootSubset.Printing.iloc[:5] == lootSubset.Printing[0]
0    False
1    False
2    False
3    False
4    False
Name: Printing, dtype: bool

Here we so the problem with objects and probably the pointers underneath. We could fix this but it’s much easier to reverse what we’re detecting so I’m doing that instead.

# That nan value is weird; will do the opposite
filterIndex = lootSubset.Printing == "Yes"
Image Name Rarity Personal Quarters Campaigns Jobs Printing
0 NaN Flawed Veltecite Common Yes x11 Yes x10 Yes NaN
1 150.00 K-Marks NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 2.00 Reputation NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 50.00 K-Marks / Weight NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 0.67 Reputation / Weight NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

I’m not going to spend much time explaining this part; please see the previous posts about how this works.

# Correct it
lootSubset.loc[~filterIndex, "Printing"] = "No"
Image Name Rarity Personal Quarters Campaigns Jobs Printing
0 NaN Flawed Veltecite Common Yes x11 Yes x10 Yes No
1 150.00 K-Marks NaN NaN NaN NaN No
2 2.00 Reputation NaN NaN NaN NaN No
3 50.00 K-Marks / Weight NaN NaN NaN NaN No
4 0.67 Reputation / Weight NaN NaN NaN NaN No
5 NaN Cloudy Veltecite Uncommon Yes x8 Yes x14 Yes Yes
6 570.00 K-Marks NaN NaN NaN NaN No
7 6.00 Reputation NaN NaN NaN NaN No
8 190.00 K-Marks / Weight NaN NaN NaN NaN No

Looking at the rows, we can see the data we’re after - the Name of the Loot - is in the Name column. Luckily, like the previous post about data extraction, these are in multiples of 5 insted of 4 like before. So, we can simply borrow the same code from before and update the range.

    # Change range to 5 instead of 4
    index = range( 0, len(lootSubset) - 4, 5)
    offset = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
tmp = index[0] + offset
Image Name Rarity Personal Quarters Campaigns Jobs Printing
1 150.00 K-Marks NaN NaN NaN NaN No
2 2.00 Reputation NaN NaN NaN NaN No
3 50.00 K-Marks / Weight NaN NaN NaN NaN No
4 0.67 Reputation / Weight NaN NaN NaN NaN No
Image Name Rarity Personal Quarters Campaigns Jobs Printing
445 NaN Hardened Metals Common Yes x17 Yes x2 Yes Yes
450 NaN Compound Sheets Common Yes x18 Yes x36 Yes No
455 NaN Print Resin Uncommon Yes x44 Yes x2 NaN Yes
460 NaN Salvaged Insulation Common Yes x38 Yes x30 NaN No
465 NaN Aluminum Scrap Common Yes x28 NaN Yes Yes

Now we’ll build the loop for the iteration like before.

# this is how we'll iterate; proof it works.
# refer the .head() call to see this is true.
for i in index[:3]:
    # we'll need to shift this to index 1 since 0 contains information we want.
    aLoot = lootSubset.iloc[i, 1]
    print(f'{aLoot} is at index {i}')
Flawed Veltecite is at index 0
Cloudy Veltecite is at index 5
Clear Veltecite is at index 10

Now we need a column to dump the correct values into which is going to be called Loot. We’ll fill these with np.NaN so we can repeat the same trick as the previous post.

lootSubset = lootSubset.assign(
    Loot = np.NaN
Image Name Rarity Personal Quarters Campaigns Jobs Printing Loot
0 NaN Flawed Veltecite Common Yes x11 Yes x10 Yes No NaN
1 150.00 K-Marks NaN NaN NaN NaN No NaN
2 2.00 Reputation NaN NaN NaN NaN No NaN
3 50.00 K-Marks / Weight NaN NaN NaN NaN No NaN
4 0.67 Reputation / Weight NaN NaN NaN NaN No NaN

So, pull the name of of the loot per subset and then update it like before.

for i in index:
    # Correct Loot column
    aLoot = lootSubset.iloc[i, 1]
    indexes = i + offset
    lootSubset.iloc[ indexes, 7 ] = aLoot
Image Name Rarity Personal Quarters Campaigns Jobs Printing Loot
0 NaN Flawed Veltecite Common Yes x11 Yes x10 Yes No NaN
1 150.00 K-Marks NaN NaN NaN NaN No Flawed Veltecite
2 2.00 Reputation NaN NaN NaN NaN No Flawed Veltecite
3 50.00 K-Marks / Weight NaN NaN NaN NaN No Flawed Veltecite
4 0.67 Reputation / Weight NaN NaN NaN NaN No Flawed Veltecite
5 NaN Cloudy Veltecite Uncommon Yes x8 Yes x14 Yes Yes NaN
6 570.00 K-Marks NaN NaN NaN NaN No Cloudy Veltecite
7 6.00 Reputation NaN NaN NaN NaN No Cloudy Veltecite
8 190.00 K-Marks / Weight NaN NaN NaN NaN No Cloudy Veltecite
9 2.00 Reputation / Weight NaN NaN NaN NaN No Cloudy Veltecite
10 NaN Clear Veltecite Rare Yes x11 Yes x25 Yes Yes NaN
11 854.00 K-Marks NaN NaN NaN NaN No Clear Veltecite
12 9.00 Reputation NaN NaN NaN NaN No Clear Veltecite
13 285.00 K-Marks / Weight NaN NaN NaN NaN No Clear Veltecite
14 3.00 Reputation / Weight NaN NaN NaN NaN No Clear Veltecite

If we play through the old trick of dropping the Loot columns now we’ll lose valuable data. So, we’ll need a new trick to keep that data. Thankfully, this is a problem I’d already solved at a previous time: we’ll simply fill the values. As a word of caution, filling values can be dangerous to an analysis so if you’re doing this then make sure it will not have a negative impact. In this instance, I’m duplicating the data so that it’s not lost at all. Even then, we’ll need to be cautious in the future about how the data is used.

There are a few techniques for filling in missing values and one such technique is called Fill Forward. What this does is take the values in a column, take that value and then simply inserts it down the rows where it finds NAs. This is exactly what we’re after - but only for those specific columns.

# fix the middle by filling down
tmp = lootSubset.iloc[:, 1:7]
tmp = tmp.fillna(method="ffill")
Name Rarity Personal Quarters Campaigns Jobs Printing
0 Flawed Veltecite Common Yes x11 Yes x10 Yes No
1 K-Marks Common Yes x11 Yes x10 Yes No
2 Reputation Common Yes x11 Yes x10 Yes No
3 K-Marks / Weight Common Yes x11 Yes x10 Yes No
4 Reputation / Weight Common Yes x11 Yes x10 Yes No
5 Cloudy Veltecite Uncommon Yes x8 Yes x14 Yes Yes
6 K-Marks Uncommon Yes x8 Yes x14 Yes No
7 Reputation Uncommon Yes x8 Yes x14 Yes No
8 K-Marks / Weight Uncommon Yes x8 Yes x14 Yes No
9 Reputation / Weight Uncommon Yes x8 Yes x14 Yes No
10 Clear Veltecite Rare Yes x11 Yes x25 Yes Yes
11 K-Marks Rare Yes x11 Yes x25 Yes No
12 Reputation Rare Yes x11 Yes x25 Yes No
13 K-Marks / Weight Rare Yes x11 Yes x25 Yes No
14 Reputation / Weight Rare Yes x11 Yes x25 Yes No

Then, we’ll take these values and simply insert them into the real data frame where we want them.

lootSubset.iloc[:, 1:7] = tmp
Image Name Rarity Personal Quarters Campaigns Jobs Printing Loot
0 NaN Flawed Veltecite Common Yes x11 Yes x10 Yes No NaN
1 150.00 K-Marks Common Yes x11 Yes x10 Yes No Flawed Veltecite
2 2.00 Reputation Common Yes x11 Yes x10 Yes No Flawed Veltecite
3 50.00 K-Marks / Weight Common Yes x11 Yes x10 Yes No Flawed Veltecite
4 0.67 Reputation / Weight Common Yes x11 Yes x10 Yes No Flawed Veltecite
5 NaN Cloudy Veltecite Uncommon Yes x8 Yes x14 Yes Yes NaN
6 570.00 K-Marks Uncommon Yes x8 Yes x14 Yes No Cloudy Veltecite
7 6.00 Reputation Uncommon Yes x8 Yes x14 Yes No Cloudy Veltecite
8 190.00 K-Marks / Weight Uncommon Yes x8 Yes x14 Yes No Cloudy Veltecite
9 2.00 Reputation / Weight Uncommon Yes x8 Yes x14 Yes No Cloudy Veltecite
10 NaN Clear Veltecite Rare Yes x11 Yes x25 Yes Yes NaN
11 854.00 K-Marks Rare Yes x11 Yes x25 Yes No Clear Veltecite
12 9.00 Reputation Rare Yes x11 Yes x25 Yes No Clear Veltecite
13 285.00 K-Marks / Weight Rare Yes x11 Yes x25 Yes No Clear Veltecite
14 3.00 Reputation / Weight Rare Yes x11 Yes x25 Yes No Clear Veltecite

And, now we’ll pull the same trick and delete the rows with np.NaN.

cutNA = lootSubset.Loot.isna()
lootData = lootSubset[ ~cutNA ]
Image Name Rarity Personal Quarters Campaigns Jobs Printing Loot
1 150.00 K-Marks Common Yes x11 Yes x10 Yes No Flawed Veltecite
2 2.00 Reputation Common Yes x11 Yes x10 Yes No Flawed Veltecite
3 50.00 K-Marks / Weight Common Yes x11 Yes x10 Yes No Flawed Veltecite
4 0.67 Reputation / Weight Common Yes x11 Yes x10 Yes No Flawed Veltecite
6 570.00 K-Marks Uncommon Yes x8 Yes x14 Yes No Cloudy Veltecite
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
464 0.60 Reputation / Weight Common Yes x38 Yes x30 Yes No Salvaged Insulation
466 506.00 K-Marks Common Yes x28 Yes x30 Yes No Aluminum Scrap
467 5.00 Reputation Common Yes x28 Yes x30 Yes No Aluminum Scrap
468 51.00 K-Marks / Weight Common Yes x28 Yes x30 Yes No Aluminum Scrap
469 0.50 Reputation / Weight Common Yes x28 Yes x30 Yes No Aluminum Scrap

376 rows × 8 columns

Almost there! The column name Image is not what that should be called so we’ll update that to Unit like we had in the prevous post.

lootData = lootData.rename(columns={'Image':'Unit'})
Unit Name Rarity Personal Quarters Campaigns Jobs Printing Loot
1 150.00 K-Marks Common Yes x11 Yes x10 Yes No Flawed Veltecite
2 2.00 Reputation Common Yes x11 Yes x10 Yes No Flawed Veltecite
3 50.00 K-Marks / Weight Common Yes x11 Yes x10 Yes No Flawed Veltecite
4 0.67 Reputation / Weight Common Yes x11 Yes x10 Yes No Flawed Veltecite
6 570.00 K-Marks Uncommon Yes x8 Yes x14 Yes No Cloudy Veltecite
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
464 0.60 Reputation / Weight Common Yes x38 Yes x30 Yes No Salvaged Insulation
466 506.00 K-Marks Common Yes x28 Yes x30 Yes No Aluminum Scrap
467 5.00 Reputation Common Yes x28 Yes x30 Yes No Aluminum Scrap
468 51.00 K-Marks / Weight Common Yes x28 Yes x30 Yes No Aluminum Scrap
469 0.50 Reputation / Weight Common Yes x28 Yes x30 Yes No Aluminum Scrap

376 rows × 8 columns

Just one more problem I’d like to correct before we do some fun questions at the end. Pandas has also copied the idea of Categoreies from R. And, it allows us to set the order of the values as well. We’re going to use this in a minute but it’s also a nice to have.

Changing the type is just as easy as you’d think:

1        Common
2        Common
3        Common
4        Common
6      Uncommon
464      Common
466      Common
467      Common
468      Common
469      Common
Name: Rarity, Length: 376, dtype: category
Categories (6, object): ['Common', 'Epic', 'Exotic', 'Legendary', 'Rare', 'Uncommon']

You can see that now there is a list of the possible Categories below the values: Categories (6, object): ['Common', 'Epic', 'Exotic', 'Legendary', 'Rare', 'Uncommon']. However, the order matters and so we cannot leave this how it is; Uncommon is clealy not larger in type then Epic. The proper way to do this would be to declare the order - which is what is next. We’ll use pd.Categorical() to convert them and set the order of the Categories.

lootData['Rarity'] = pd.Categorical(lootData.Rarity, categories = ['Common', 'Uncommon', 'Rare', 'Epic', 'Exotic', 'Legendary'])
pd.Categorical(lootData.Rarity, categories = ['Common', 'Uncommon', 'Rare', 'Epic', 'Exotic', 'Legendary'])
['Common', 'Common', 'Common', 'Common', 'Uncommon', ..., 'Common', 'Common', 'Common', 'Common', 'Common']
Length: 376
Categories (6, object): ['Common', 'Uncommon', 'Rare', 'Epic', 'Exotic', 'Legendary']

There we go! See that the order has now been fixed: Categories (6, object): ['Common', 'Uncommon', 'Rare', 'Epic', 'Exotic', 'Legendary']. Here I would like to note that I did take liberty to set Legendary above Exotic since the wiki as them mixed and the actual games sorting puts Legendary above Exotic and so I did the same.

Conclusion and Some Questions

And, that’s how you pull data from a website! Now for some interesting questions. Looking at the data we have here, there are two questions that popped out at me: 1. If you have to pick up only two items, what would they be per Rarity? 2. Given the sell values per category, is the relationship linear as the the category rises?

What Are The Best Two Items To Sell, Per Rarity?

This is a pretty simple ask. We just have to remember that we’re working with Tidy Data and we’ll want to filter the Name column for K-Marks before doing anything else. Next, we’ll do a groupby() for the Rarity and then pull out the Units column since that has the values we’re after. Luckily, pandas already has a function to get the largest values .largest() which also works as an aggregation function for groupby().

tmp = lootData.query("Name == 'K-Marks'").groupby("Rarity")['Unit'].nlargest(2)
Common     336       900.0
           111       760.0
Uncommon   356      3417.0
           181      1709.0
Rare       371     11533.0
           366      5126.0
Epic       121     20183.0
           396     17300.0
Exotic     401    129746.0
           106     77848.0
Legendary  441    518985.0
           431    116772.0
Name: Unit, dtype: float64

So, we have our values but we don’t have any way to identify them since we cannot include the Name column since then it becomes a Data Frame and .nlargest() doesn’t work. If we look closely, the old indexes have been carried over and are included in our results so we’ll need to give ourselves access to them. We’re going to do this with .reset_index() since that will push those indexes into the Data Frame.

Rarity level_1 Unit
0 Common 336 900.0
1 Common 111 760.0
2 Uncommon 356 3417.0
3 Uncommon 181 1709.0
4 Rare 371 11533.0
5 Rare 366 5126.0
6 Epic 121 20183.0
7 Epic 396 17300.0
8 Exotic 401 129746.0
9 Exotic 106 77848.0
10 Legendary 441 518985.0
11 Legendary 431 116772.0
# Keep those index numbers
tmp = tmp.reset_index()

The index column is called level_1 which we’re going to simply insert into the original data.

# Best items to sell per rarity:
lootData.loc[ tmp['level_1'].tolist() ].sort_values("Rarity", ascending=False)[['Unit', 'Name', 'Rarity', 'Loot']]
Unit Name Rarity Loot
441 518985.0 K-Marks Legendary Alpha Crusher Head
431 116772.0 K-Marks Legendary Savage Marauder Head
401 129746.0 K-Marks Exotic Alpha Crusher Heart
106 77848.0 K-Marks Exotic Progenitor Slag
121 20183.0 K-Marks Epic NiC Oil Cannister
396 17300.0 K-Marks Epic Crusher Flesh
371 11533.0 K-Marks Rare Crusher Hide
366 5126.0 K-Marks Rare Mature Rattler Eyes
356 3417.0 K-Marks Uncommon Hardened Bone Plates
181 1709.0 K-Marks Uncommon Derelict Explosives
336 900.0 K-Marks Common Toxic Glands
111 760.0 K-Marks Common Progenitor Composite

There we go! Well, except that this doesn’t account for weight and what we really want is to carry the most value per weight since we’re limited in the game by the backpack size. Let’s do the same but for the per weight value instead.

tmp = lootData.query("Name == 'K-Marks / Weight'").groupby("Rarity")['Unit'].nlargest(2).reset_index()
lootData.loc[ tmp['level_1'].tolist() ].sort_values("Rarity", ascending=False)[['Unit', 'Name', 'Rarity', 'Loot']]
Unit Name Rarity Loot
443 17300.0 K-Marks / Weight Legendary Alpha Crusher Head
433 5839.0 K-Marks / Weight Legendary Savage Marauder Head
108 6487.0 K-Marks / Weight Exotic Progenitor Slag
403 6487.0 K-Marks / Weight Exotic Alpha Crusher Heart
123 4037.0 K-Marks / Weight Epic NiC Oil Cannister
118 3844.0 K-Marks / Weight Epic Letium Clot
373 1153.0 K-Marks / Weight Rare Crusher Hide
368 1025.0 K-Marks / Weight Rare Mature Rattler Eyes
458 570.0 K-Marks / Weight Uncommon Print Resin
358 380.0 K-Marks / Weight Uncommon Hardened Bone Plates
148 1000.0 K-Marks / Weight Common Old Currency
283 506.0 K-Marks / Weight Common Nutritional Bar

And, now we see there are some important changes. The values in the Common Rarity are totally different!

Are the Rarity Values Linear?

We’ll aggregate over all the values in a category and then simply plot them.

lootData.query("Name == 'K-Marks'").groupby("Rarity")['Unit'].mean().plot()
plt.title("Mean K-Marks Per Rarity", size=15, fontweight='bold')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Mean K-Marks Per Rarity')

Wait, what? This looks terrible! Everything from Common to Epic is worth nothing compared to Exotic and Legendary. Maybe we’re dealing with some outlier problems? Let’s check the median just in case.

lootData.query("Name == 'K-Marks'").groupby("Rarity")['Unit'].median().plot()
plt.title("Median K-Marks Per Rarity", size=15, fontweight='bold')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Median K-Marks Per Rarity')

This is even worse! Legendary loot is definitely being affected by outliers but Exotic is so far and above better than everything else. Maybe we’re looking at the wrong values? Maybe we’re making the same mistake and we need to account for the per weight?

lootData.query("Name == 'K-Marks / Weight'").groupby("Rarity")['Unit'].median().plot()
plt.title("Median K-Marks/Weight Per Rarity", size=15, fontweight='bold')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Median K-Marks/Weight Per Rarity')

I mean it’s better but not really. What is in this category?

lootData.query("Rarity == 'Exotic'").query("Name == 'K-Marks'")
Unit Name Rarity Personal Quarters Campaigns Jobs Printing Loot
91 8650.0 K-Marks Exotic Yes x4 Yes x9 Yes No Charged Tharis Iron Ingot
106 77848.0 K-Marks Exotic Yes x6 Yes x9 Yes No Progenitor Slag
401 129746.0 K-Marks Exotic Yes x6 Yes x1 Yes No Alpha Crusher Heart

This category makes no sense and I don’t know why it exists. I’m not sure they understand what this category is for either looking at what is in here. But, that will be it for now.