Which Cycle Frontier Jobs Are Worth Doing? - Part Two.

Second We’ll Clean the Tasks.

October 7, 2022

This is Part Two of a Series towards scraping, cleaning and analyzing the Jobs for The Cycle: Frontier. If you haven’t read Part One then I’d suggest start there. We’re picking up now with cleaning the tasks to complete for the job instead. So, let’s get started! We’ll pull our normal libraries for working on projects like this.

import pandas as pd             # for the data.
import numpy as np              # for a NaN type
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # For plotting, and some customization of plots.
import seaborn as sns           # For pretty plots.

# Fix the size of the graphs
sns.set(rc={"figure.figsize":(11, 8)})

We’re actually going to be using the same data table as before from the Official Wiki and the Jobs Page. Like before, wer’e going to use the same read_html() call targetting the name class.

# game taken down
# url = "https://thecyclefrontier.wiki/wiki/Jobs"
url = 'https://archive.ph/HZfyf'
site = pd.read_html(url, match="Name",
    converters = {
        "Name": str,
        "Description": str, 
        "Unlocked": int, 
        "Tasks": str,
        "Rewards": str})

And here is the data in the weird rows and columns like before:

# Weird Problem: Data Looks funny, can still use this:
Name Description Unlock Level Difficulty Tasks Rewards
0 New Mining Tools We are producing new Mining Tools for new Pros... 4.0 Easy Collect: 2 Hydraulic Piston 10 Hardened Metals 3800 K-Marks 1 Korolev Scrip 15 Korolev R...
1 3800 K-Marks NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 1 Korolev Scrip NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 15 Korolev Reputation NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 Explosive Excavation One of our mines collapsed with valuable equip... 7.0 Medium Collect: 4 Derelict Explosives 11000 K-Marks 8 Korolev Scrip 52 Korolev ...
5 11000 K-Marks NaN NaN NaN NaN
6 8 Korolev Scrip NaN NaN NaN NaN
7 52 Korolev Reputation NaN NaN NaN NaN

We’re going to make a copy of the specific columns we want to avoid any strange insert/update issues.

tasksSubset = site[0][["Name", "Description", "Tasks"]].copy()
Name Description Tasks
0 New Mining Tools We are producing new Mining Tools for new Pros... Collect: 2 Hydraulic Piston 10 Hardened Metals
1 3800 K-Marks NaN
2 1 Korolev Scrip NaN
3 15 Korolev Reputation NaN
4 Explosive Excavation One of our mines collapsed with valuable equip... Collect: 4 Derelict Explosives
... ... ... ...
183 470 Korolev Reputation NaN
184 No Expiry Date There you are, finally! There's been an accide... Collect: 10 Old Medicine
185 6300 K-Marks NaN
186 9 Korolev Scrip NaN
187 62 Korolev Reputation NaN

188 rows × 3 columns

# get rid of the middle stuff we don't need.
tasksSubset = tasksSubset[ ~tasksSubset.Tasks.isna()]
Name Description Tasks
0 New Mining Tools We are producing new Mining Tools for new Pros... Collect: 2 Hydraulic Piston 10 Hardened Metals
4 Explosive Excavation One of our mines collapsed with valuable equip... Collect: 4 Derelict Explosives
8 Mining Bot Our engineers have designed an autonomous mini... Collect: 2 Zero Systems CPU 3 Ball Bearings
12 None of your Business Prospector. We need Toxic Glands. Don't ask qu... Collect: 2 Toxic Glands
16 Insufficient Processing Power Prospector! The Zero Systems CPU you brought u... Collect: 1 Master Unit CPU
20 Excavator Improvements The suspension on our mining excavators need i... Collect: 2 Co-TEC MultiTool 3 Ball Bearings 3 ...
24 A new type of Alloy Our scientists are confident they can create a... Collect: 4 Hardened Bone Plates 12 Compound Sh...
28 Automated Security We will have to build new turrets to help prot... Collect: 5 Zero Systems CPU 16 Hardened Metals
32 Energy Crisis Veltecite supplies are low, but we need energy... Collect: 4 Miniature Reactor
36 Classified I Prospector! We need Derelict Explosives, Maste... Collect: 10 Derelict Explosives 2 Master Unit ...
40 Clear Veltecite The Veltecite you brought us the other day is ... Collect: 2 Clear Veltecite
44 Time to Focus One of our miners searching the Jungle for Foc... Kill 6 Creatures at Jungle Collect: 4 Focus Cr...
48 Pure Veltecite The Clear Veltecite was an improvement, we gai... Collect: 2 Pure Veltecite
52 Titans of Industry Scouts have found Titan Ore deposits on Fortun... Collect: 2 Titan Ore 6 Altered Nickel
56 Crystal Frenzy We're working on a new type of laser for our l... Collect: 2 Clear Veltecite 8 Focus Crystal

As I discussed in the previous post, there are three kinds of jobs: Collect, Deposit and Kill. The Collect and Deposit jobs are fine since they involved something easily quantifiable: loot. However, the Kill quests present a very real problem since there is no simple way to address quanitfying them. For killing creatures, maybe we could take the sum of their expected drops and their rate of drop and include that as part of the rewards? Of course, the player may simply choose not to pick any of that up.

Another problem is killing players; how much is a player kill actually worth? And, the difficulty of killing players is connected to the skill level of each player - which we also cannot know. Therefore, I’ve elected to remove the Kill Jobs from the analysis.

# anything with kill just remove until I can think of a better way to deal with this.
tasksSubset = tasksSubset[ ~tasksSubset.Tasks.str.contains("Kill")]
Name Description Tasks
0 New Mining Tools We are producing new Mining Tools for new Pros... Collect: 2 Hydraulic Piston 10 Hardened Metals
4 Explosive Excavation One of our mines collapsed with valuable equip... Collect: 4 Derelict Explosives
8 Mining Bot Our engineers have designed an autonomous mini... Collect: 2 Zero Systems CPU 3 Ball Bearings
12 None of your Business Prospector. We need Toxic Glands. Don't ask qu... Collect: 2 Toxic Glands
16 Insufficient Processing Power Prospector! The Zero Systems CPU you brought u... Collect: 1 Master Unit CPU
20 Excavator Improvements The suspension on our mining excavators need i... Collect: 2 Co-TEC MultiTool 3 Ball Bearings 3 ...
24 A new type of Alloy Our scientists are confident they can create a... Collect: 4 Hardened Bone Plates 12 Compound Sh...
28 Automated Security We will have to build new turrets to help prot... Collect: 5 Zero Systems CPU 16 Hardened Metals
32 Energy Crisis Veltecite supplies are low, but we need energy... Collect: 4 Miniature Reactor
36 Classified I Prospector! We need Derelict Explosives, Maste... Collect: 10 Derelict Explosives 2 Master Unit ...
40 Clear Veltecite The Veltecite you brought us the other day is ... Collect: 2 Clear Veltecite
48 Pure Veltecite The Clear Veltecite was an improvement, we gai... Collect: 2 Pure Veltecite
52 Titans of Industry Scouts have found Titan Ore deposits on Fortun... Collect: 2 Titan Ore 6 Altered Nickel
56 Crystal Frenzy We're working on a new type of laser for our l... Collect: 2 Clear Veltecite 8 Focus Crystal
60 Geologist You got time for a job, Prospector? The sample... Collect: 2 Pure Veltecite 1 Pure Focus Crystal

So, each Job can request you collect multiple loots as well as more than one type of loot. Here is a good example of what I mean by this:

'Collect: 5 Zero Systems CPU 16 Hardened Metals'

As you can see, this task requires you to collect both Zero System CPUs as well as Hardened Metals - and a good number of them. What we want is to not only extract each type of loot independently of each other but also to keep the count paired with the loot type.

I would like to take this moment to thank the developers of Pandas. I spent a bit of time thinking about how I would solve this and they had already included a solution to this problem: extractall(). What this does is allows you to pass Regular Expressions and it will then pull out anything in the string which matches. It even puts them into their own separate rows! Again, thank you!

For Regular Expressions, this is something you will have to learn on your own. I used a website to test and build mine from an example row; there is plenty of documentaiton about how to use these.

regex = r"(\d+\s[\w]+\s[\w]+)"
tmp = tasksSubset.Tasks.str.extractall(regex)
0 0 2 Hydraulic Piston
1 10 Hardened Metals
4 0 4 Derelict Explosives
8 0 2 Zero Systems
1 3 Ball Bearings
12 0 2 Toxic Glands
16 0 1 Master Unit
20 0 3 Ball Bearings
1 3 Hydraulic Piston
24 0 4 Hardened Bone
1 12 Compound Sheets
28 0 5 Zero Systems
1 16 Hardened Metals
32 0 4 Miniature Reactor
36 0 10 Derelict Explosives

Perfect! Now we have all the different loot and we got to keep the row’s index for later when we’ll attach the job name and description. Before that though, we’ll need to do some work to separate the count and the loot type into their own columns. While I’m sure there is a better way to do this, I could not think of one so we’re going to write a function to break the loot and count apart and then return them.

There is a solid function for this already called .split() and we’re going to use it to split on spaces but we since some of the loot is multiple words we need to force it to only split once.

example = tmp.reset_index()[0][1]
parts = example.split(' ', maxsplit=1)
number, loot = int(parts[0]), parts[1]
number, loot
(10, 'Hardened Metals')

Now we’ll create the function. What we can do here though is return either the count value or the loot value depending on an index passed: 0 for count and 1 for loot.

def breakLoot(taskString, index=0):
    parts = taskString.split(' ', maxsplit=1)
    if index == 0:
        return int(parts[index])
    elif index == 1:
        return parts[index]
        # This shouldn't be called.
        return None

Now we just run two .apply() calls to get the values out:

count = tmp.reset_index()[0].apply(breakLoot).values
aLoot = tmp.reset_index()[0].apply(breakLoot, index=1).values

And, then assign them to our brand new columns for them.

tmp = tmp.assign(
    count = count,
    loot = aLoot

0 count loot
0 0 2 Hydraulic Piston 2 Hydraulic Piston
1 10 Hardened Metals 10 Hardened Metals
4 0 4 Derelict Explosives 4 Derelict Explosives
8 0 2 Zero Systems 2 Zero Systems
1 3 Ball Bearings 3 Ball Bearings
12 0 2 Toxic Glands 2 Toxic Glands
16 0 1 Master Unit 1 Master Unit
20 0 3 Ball Bearings 3 Ball Bearings
1 3 Hydraulic Piston 3 Hydraulic Piston
24 0 4 Hardened Bone 4 Hardened Bone
1 12 Compound Sheets 12 Compound Sheets
28 0 5 Zero Systems 5 Zero Systems
1 16 Hardened Metals 16 Hardened Metals
32 0 4 Miniature Reactor 4 Miniature Reactor
36 0 10 Derelict Explosives 10 Derelict Explosives

And, there we go! We have our columns how we want them. Now we just need to work on getting the Name and Description values attached to our new data frame. One way to do this would be to do some sort of merge or join based on the index we’ve saved. Or, we can do something even easier!

If we look at the rows when we do an index reset:

level_0 match 0 count loot
0 0 0 2 Hydraulic Piston 2 Hydraulic Piston
1 0 1 10 Hardened Metals 10 Hardened Metals
2 4 0 4 Derelict Explosives 4 Derelict Explosives
3 8 0 2 Zero Systems 2 Zero Systems
4 8 1 3 Ball Bearings 3 Ball Bearings
5 12 0 2 Toxic Glands 2 Toxic Glands
6 16 0 1 Master Unit 1 Master Unit
7 20 0 3 Ball Bearings 3 Ball Bearings

… we can see that the column level_0 actaully contains duplicate indexes from our matches. So, the values Hydraulic Piston and Hardened Metals both are associated with Task with index 0. As long as we can use that index to get duplicate values then we can just pull all the Name and Descriptions in their matching order.

tasksSubset.loc[tmp.reset_index().loc[:5, "level_0"], ['Name', 'Description']]
Name Description
0 New Mining Tools We are producing new Mining Tools for new Pros...
0 New Mining Tools We are producing new Mining Tools for new Pros...
4 Explosive Excavation One of our mines collapsed with valuable equip...
8 Mining Bot Our engineers have designed an autonomous mini...
8 Mining Bot Our engineers have designed an autonomous mini...
12 None of your Business Prospector. We need Toxic Glands. Don't ask qu...

… which is exactly what we get! Duplicates! Time to slice it out and then assign the values.

nameDescriptSlice = tasksSubset.loc[tmp.reset_index()["level_0"], ['Name', 'Description']]

tmp = tmp.assign(
    name = nameDescriptSlice.Name.values,
    description = nameDescriptSlice.Description.values

0 count loot name description
0 0 2 Hydraulic Piston 2 Hydraulic Piston New Mining Tools We are producing new Mining Tools for new Pros...
1 10 Hardened Metals 10 Hardened Metals New Mining Tools We are producing new Mining Tools for new Pros...
4 0 4 Derelict Explosives 4 Derelict Explosives Explosive Excavation One of our mines collapsed with valuable equip...
8 0 2 Zero Systems 2 Zero Systems Mining Bot Our engineers have designed an autonomous mini...
1 3 Ball Bearings 3 Ball Bearings Mining Bot Our engineers have designed an autonomous mini...
12 0 2 Toxic Glands 2 Toxic Glands None of your Business Prospector. We need Toxic Glands. Don't ask qu...
16 0 1 Master Unit 1 Master Unit Insufficient Processing Power Prospector! The Zero Systems CPU you brought u...
20 0 3 Ball Bearings 3 Ball Bearings Excavator Improvements The suspension on our mining excavators need i...
1 3 Hydraulic Piston 3 Hydraulic Piston Excavator Improvements The suspension on our mining excavators need i...
24 0 4 Hardened Bone 4 Hardened Bone A new type of Alloy Our scientists are confident they can create a...
1 12 Compound Sheets 12 Compound Sheets A new type of Alloy Our scientists are confident they can create a...
28 0 5 Zero Systems 5 Zero Systems Automated Security We will have to build new turrets to help prot...
1 16 Hardened Metals 16 Hardened Metals Automated Security We will have to build new turrets to help prot...
32 0 4 Miniature Reactor 4 Miniature Reactor Energy Crisis Veltecite supplies are low, but we need energy...
36 0 10 Derelict Explosives 10 Derelict Explosives Classified I Prospector! We need Derelict Explosives, Maste...

Finally, we’ll drop all those extra columns we don’t need.

tasks = tmp.reset_index().drop([
], axis =1 )

tasks = tasks[['name', 'count', 'loot', 'description']]
name count loot description
0 New Mining Tools 2 Hydraulic Piston We are producing new Mining Tools for new Pros...
1 New Mining Tools 10 Hardened Metals We are producing new Mining Tools for new Pros...
2 Explosive Excavation 4 Derelict Explosives One of our mines collapsed with valuable equip...
3 Mining Bot 2 Zero Systems Our engineers have designed an autonomous mini...
4 Mining Bot 3 Ball Bearings Our engineers have designed an autonomous mini...
5 None of your Business 2 Toxic Glands Prospector. We need Toxic Glands. Don't ask qu...
6 Insufficient Processing Power 1 Master Unit Prospector! The Zero Systems CPU you brought u...
7 Excavator Improvements 3 Ball Bearings The suspension on our mining excavators need i...
8 Excavator Improvements 3 Hydraulic Piston The suspension on our mining excavators need i...
9 A new type of Alloy 4 Hardened Bone Our scientists are confident they can create a...
10 A new type of Alloy 12 Compound Sheets Our scientists are confident they can create a...
11 Automated Security 5 Zero Systems We will have to build new turrets to help prot...
12 Automated Security 16 Hardened Metals We will have to build new turrets to help prot...
13 Energy Crisis 4 Miniature Reactor Veltecite supplies are low, but we need energy...
14 Classified I 10 Derelict Explosives Prospector! We need Derelict Explosives, Maste...


And, there we have it! Another piece to the puzzle solved. Next we’re going to work to combine all the faction rewards, the job requirements and the loot tables together to finally calculate which jobs you should definitly avoid doing.