flowchart LR square[This is a box] rounded(This is a Rounded Edge) bubble([This is a bubble]) boxinbox[[This is flatland]]
Exchanging Pen And Paper.
My friends and I are playing V Rising on Sundays and we’ve made it to the point where we’re working on Dark Silver.This is an end game resource which is a few levels deep into the game. And, it is also a few levels deep into the resource management of the game. We’ve had to build a new castle further into the game. While setting this, up we were discussing the best way to build a pipeline from basic resources to Dark Silver. I did quick sketch on paper but realized that - thanks to Quarto - I have some extra tooling to play with for this.
Let’s Try Mermaid
So, looking over some of the tools, I though that Mermaid looks like it would be new and useful. Like other visualization tools, there is a notation which connects the nodes and edges together. And, Mermaid.js no exception coming with some common shapes for representing each.
Obviously, we have the normal shapes:
flowchart LR
square[This is a box]
rounded(This is a Rounded Edge)
bubble([This is a bubble])
boxinbox[[This is flatland]]
We can also add edges of the common kind as well:
square[This is a box]
rounded(This is a Rounded Edge)
bubble([This is a bubble])
boxinbox[[This is flatland]]
square --> rounded
rounded --- bubble
bubble -.-> boxinbox
boxinbox ==>| Insert Text for description|square
flowchart square[This is a box] rounded(This is a Rounded Edge) bubble([This is a bubble]) boxinbox[[This is flatland]] square --> rounded rounded --- bubble bubble -.-> boxinbox boxinbox ==>| Insert Text for description|square
You can also add classes to style the nodes which we’ll do next as we start.
Chain Up the Resources
In V Rising, there are the Resouces which get fed into buildings that act as ways to convert them into other resources. The buildings we’ll need for this resource pipeline are Grinders and Furnaces. So, let’s quickly style these before anything else. I will also want a node which is for the Resource being put into the building/node.
flowchart RL
classDef Furnace fill:#696969, color:#f9f9f9;
classDef Grinder fill:#b9b9b9, color:#0a0a0a;
classDef Resource fill:#009F4B, color:#000000;
stone> Stone]:::Resource
flowchart RL classDef Furnace fill:#696969, color:#f9f9f9; classDef Grinder fill:#b9b9b9, color:#0a0a0a; classDef Resource fill:#009F4B, color:#000000; furnace1[(Furnace)]:::Furnace grinder1[(Grinder)]:::Grinder stone> Stone]:::Resource
I wanted these to be visually distinct from one another so bright resource and contrasting colors for the furnace and grinder. Now we can start working through the relationships. I like to kind of work from both sides of this and fill in the middle as I go. Let’s start with the result - Dark Silver - and the base resources.
flowchart RL
classDef Furnace fill:#696969, color:#f9f9f9;
classDef Grinder fill:#b9b9b9, color:#0a0a0a;
classDef Resource fill:#009F4B, color:#000000;
stone> Stone]:::Resource
darkSilver> Dark Silver]:::Resource
copperOre> Copper Ore]:::Resource
silverOre> Silver Ore]:::Resource
flowchart RL classDef Furnace fill:#696969, color:#f9f9f9; classDef Grinder fill:#b9b9b9, color:#0a0a0a; classDef Resource fill:#009F4B, color:#000000; furnace1[(Furnace)]:::Furnace grinder1[(Grinder)]:::Grinder stone> Stone]:::Resource darkSilver> Dark Silver]:::Resource copperOre> Copper Ore]:::Resource silverOre> Silver Ore]:::Resource
Now we just start connecting them. I liked using the dotted lines for raw resources since it adds a little extra bit showing they’re slightly different than the others:
flowchart TD
classDef Furnace fill:#696969, color:#f9f9f9;
classDef Grinder fill:#b9b9b9, color:#0a0a0a;
classDef Resource fill:#009F4B, color:#000000;
stone> Stone]:::Resource
darkSilver> Dark Silver]:::Resource
copperOre> Copper Ore]:::Resource
silverOre> Silver Ore]:::Resource
copper> Copper Ingots]:::Resource
flowchart RL classDef Furnace fill:#696969, color:#f9f9f9; classDef Grinder fill:#b9b9b9, color:#0a0a0a; classDef Resource fill:#009F4B, color:#000000; furnace1[(Furnace)]:::Furnace furnace2[(Furnace)]:::Furnace furnace4[(Furnace)]:::Furnace grinder1[(Grinder)]:::Grinder grinder2[(Grinder)]:::Grinder stone> Stone]:::Resource darkSilver> Dark Silver]:::Resource copperOre> Copper Ore]:::Resource silverOre> Silver Ore]:::Resource copper> Copper Ingots]:::Resource furnace4-->darkSilver bones-.->grinder1 stone-.->grinder2 copperOre-.->furnace1 furnace1-->copper
Anyways, let’s skip to the end now that you understand how these pieces go together; it’s just the same all the way to the end.
Final Graph
flowchart BT
classDef Furnace fill:#696969, color:#f9f9f9;
classDef Grinder fill:#b9b9b9, color:#0a0a0a;
classDef Resource fill:#009F4B, color:#000000;
darkSilver> Dark Silver]:::Resource
copperOre> Copper Ore]:::Resource
silverOre> Silver Ore]:::Resource
copper> Copper Ingots]:::Resource
stoneDust> Stone Dust]:::Resource
graveDust> Grave Dust]:::Resource
quartz> Quartz]:::Resource
bones> Bones]:::Resource
scourge> Scourge Stone]:::Resource
whet> Whetstones]:::Resource
glass> Glass]:::Resource
stone> Stone]:::Resource
flowchart BT classDef Furnace fill:#696969, color:#f9f9f9; classDef Grinder fill:#b9b9b9, color:#0a0a0a; classDef Resource fill:#009F4B, color:#000000; furnace1[(Furnace)]:::Furnace furnace2[(Furnace)]:::Furnace furnace3[(Furnace)]:::Furnace furnace4[(Furnace)]:::Furnace furnace5[(Furnace)]:::Furnace grinder1[(Grinder)]:::Grinder grinder2[(Grinder)]:::Grinder darkSilver> Dark Silver]:::Resource copperOre> Copper Ore]:::Resource silverOre> Silver Ore]:::Resource copper> Copper Ingots]:::Resource stoneDust> Stone Dust]:::Resource graveDust> Grave Dust]:::Resource quartz> Quartz]:::Resource bones> Bones]:::Resource scourge> Scourge Stone]:::Resource whet> Whetstones]:::Resource glass> Glass]:::Resource stone> Stone]:::Resource stone-.->grinder2 grinder2-->stoneDust copperOre-.->furnace1 furnace1-->copper quartz-.->furnace5 furnace5-->glass silverOre-.->furnace4 bones-.->grinder1 grinder1-->graveDust graveDust-->furnace3 copper-->furnace2 stoneDust-->furnace2 furnace2-->whet whet-->furnace3 glass-->furnace3 furnace3-->scourge scourge-->furnace4 furnace4-->darkSilver
Past this, we could include rates of production for each furnace and start calculating how long each edge takes and naming them. This is starting to feel like Satisfactory and this is really all I needed to share with my friends. Hopefully, you find this library as useful as I am going to.